Exciting news - it’s the start of the New Year, and the prospect of growing your team is on the cards. You might be liaising with a recruiter or perhaps the business will take on the challenge. Either way, as the business grows, so too will its systems and herein lies the challenge: what defines a smooth onboarding process? This month we’re highlighting some of the key things to consider when it comes to onboarding, to help get you kickstarted.
First things first? Preparing a clear brief of the job and the key tasks involved is essential, and it is a must to have this fleshed out prior to beginning the recruitment process. The new hire that comes on board will no doubt bring many questions and will expect a level of clarity in return.
Next you’ll want to consider the training being provided. An obvious but crucial part of the hiring process - get this one right, and everyone is set up for success in the long-term. It’s worth considering what systems are in place to achieve this effectively, and how different learning styles will be accommodated for.
Formalities are important, for sure, but the experience should be enjoyable too! As the business grows to new heights, why not take time out to celebrate the occasion with your new and existing team? Could this be lunch out on the first day, an after-work event, or even a Friday morning tea together? These events are a great opportunity to welcome in the new hire, and to help them get to know their team members better.
Finally, stay in touch! Keeping communications high is essential, and that goes for the start of the onboarding process, during, and even well into the tenure of employment. Making sure new hires feel welcomed, supported and clued in is crucial to ensuring they settle into the role – whether this is done over a casual coffee, regular personal development meetings, or otherwise – it’s a great way to stay connected and make sure everyone is on the same page.
Does this resonate with you? We know that recruitment can often feel like a challenge in an ever-changing market, which is why we do what we do. Reach out for a chat – we’d love to work with and support you in growing your business and ticking off those goals. Don’t hesitate to give us a call on 04 472 6414 or drop us a line on hello@oneeighty.co.nz. hello@oneeighty.co.nz